QUADRUS SDR | Multi-channel SDR software receiver

Multi-channel SDR software receiver platform

SDR Software Receiver Platform

  • Phase-coherent SDR sampled radio receiver inputs either independent or coherent tuning
  • Clock and sync distribution extendable to support other SDR hardware radio receiver unit
  • Input attenuator automatic or manual mode (0dB to –24dB in 2dB steps)
  • Center frequency tuning of narrow band radio channels up to 500MHz with 1Hz resolution
  • Signal level measurements of the wide ADC input and the demodulated multi-channel SDR software receiver processors
  • Grouped or independent analogue gain control of the receiver input signals
  • Grouped or independent digital gain control of the multi-channel SDR signals automatic and manual setting

Signal processing SDR software

  • Demodulation bandwidth settings of 400Hz to 200kHz incremental
  • Demodulation I/Q, AM, USB, LSB, ISB, CW, FM
  • Programmable post-demodulator high-pass and low-pass filtering audio filtering for further noise optimization
  • Gain control automatic (fast, medium, slow) and manual (continuous)
  • Audio output level automatic control or manual setting
  • Concurrent recording of the multi-channel SDR I/Q or demodulated signal in *.wav format
  • Concurrent streaming all multi-channel SDR IF and demodulated Audio signals to TCP/IP interface

The SRM-3000 is a high performance multi-channel SDR software receiver application that is particularly suitable for spectrum monitoring and management and signal and communication intelligence. It allows monitoring and recording of multi-channel SDR of modern digital narrow and wide band spectrum emissions. It combines state-of-the-art user interface technologies with the latest features in digital processing thus providing advanced multi-channel SDR receiver platforms available today.

  • Coherently sampled multi-channel SDR radio receiver inputs either independent or coherent tuning
  • Input attenuator automatic or manual mode (0dB to –30dB in 2dB steps)
  • Signal level measurements of the wide ADC input and the multi-channel SDR software receiver processors
  • Center frequency tuning of narrow band mult-channel SDR in 0 to 500MHz with 1Hz resolution
  • Demodulation bandwidth settings of 400Hz to 200kHz incremental
  • Demodulation I/Q, AM, USB, LSB, ISB, CW, FM
  • Programmable post-demodulator high-pass and low-pass filtering
  • Gain control automatic (fast, medium, slow) and manual (continuous)
  • Audio output level automatic control or manual setting
  • Concurrent recording of the I/Q or demodulated signal in *.wav format
  • Clock and sync distribution extendable to support other radio receiver unit
  • Grouped or independent analogue gain control of the receiver input signals
  • Grouped or independent digital gain control of the narrow band channel signals

Highlights SDR software receiver functions

  • All digital SDR software radio receiver multi-channel SDR are independently tuned and filtered to provide narrow band demodulation
  • Independent frequency, bandwidth, demodulation, squelch, BFO, AGC, audio filter and multi-channel SDR recording options
  • Wide band signal level and narrow band multi-channel SDR power measurement with gain and squelch control
  • Record incoming unprocessed IF (as base band IQ) and demodulated audio both in *.wav file
  • Independent time, spectrum and waterfall display for IF and demodulated AF of all SDR software radio receiver channels
  • Live audio monitoring streamed out to the TCP/IP network and recording to disk file
  • Immediate graphical snapshot generation of the screen
  • Signal source option from the receiver digitizer SDR hardware, internal test generator or recorded IF file
  • Support external frequency pre-selector, signal distributor and source selector switch components
  • All SDR software receiver settings can be saved and recalled to support rapid configuration of the unit
  • Application programming interface for remote control and system level integration

The multi-channel SDR radio receiver application stands out for its state of the art user interface and digital signal processing. The integrated multi-thread, high speed processing core offers wide real-time bandwidth on each radio receiver channel for both time and frequency domain. Powerful multichannel signal extraction is provided by the receiver which enables efficient production of signal monitoring.

Remote multi-channel SDR software interface

A TCP/IP based remote and data interface is provided to allow third-party software to control the multi-channel SDR receiver. And access the down-converted signals for further processing (e.g. signal classification). Within the programming interface all the receiver functions could be programmed and the incoming IF and the demodulated AF signal are available on the network interface. In addition all receiver settings can be saved (in ASCII .xml format) and recalled to facilitate rapid configuration of the receiver.

Multi-channel SDR software receiver platform

The multi-card phase-coherent SDR hardware configuration provides a bank of up to 4 radio receivers that can be coherently tuned to form systems with up to 64 independent narrow band frequency channels or 16 phase coherently tuned receivers (each providing 4 separate narrow band frequency channels). The system is controlled by software running on a Windows® PC. This configuration is typically used in applications that require an 8-channel DF receiver or even more channels to run digital beam forming and beam steering functions with additional super resolution DF algorithm.

The QUADRUS multi-channel SDR software receiver platform is a complete short wave receiver and direct digital VHF/UHF SDR receiver with high dynamic range and sensitivity. As you could see some real signals from the short wave bands here in these screen shots it could be used for HAM radio or professional activities.

multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR
multi-channel SDR software receiver platform | QUADRUS SDR

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