Audio output from the SRM SDR receiver

Audio output

The SRM-3000 SDR receiver can handle up to 16 independent receiver channels, but usually, we only have one sound card output in the PC. The radio receiver software defines one channel as monitored, and sends its audio output to the default audio out device. This way, you can listen to an active channel with your speakers or headphone.

Processing the audio output

Usually, after the filtering and demodulation, we want some additional post-processing of the audio output. The post-processing software can run on the same or on a separate computer. In the latter case, we can directly connect the audio out to the microphone input of the other PC using a simple jumper cable with two standard 3.5 mm jack plugs. In case we use the same computer for post-processing, we can use a virtual audio cable. This is a software that defines virtual output and input devices. It can be set as the default audio device, and thereby act as a gateway: the SRM SDR receiver can send its audio output to it, which the post-processing software can directly receive.


Testing with different post processors and decoders

First, I used an external recording software to save audio output for later processing. I’ve employed Audacity, which is a free, open-source audio editor and recorder software for a variety of platforms.

srmin auda

After that, I’ve successfully tested the connection with the well-known Spectrum Lab post-processor developed by DL4YHF.


Finally, I’ve tested the demodulation possibility for the audio output by utilizing the Code300 software package from Hoka Electronic. The audio signals contained a real FSK transmission, and it was successfully demodulated and processed.

